Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Please post your informative paragraphs in the comments below:

1) First Name (and last initial, if necessary)
2) Title of Novel (HobbitBeowulfSir Gawain and the Green Knight)
3) Your Informative Writing Paragraph

*REMEMBER to include at least 2 vocab (from your novel that you've looked up as part of your assignment) in at least one of your entries.

To view how you will be scored, click here for the rubric.

Here is an example Informational Paragraph - note how the writer uses facts :
Objective = to INFORM audience about the Apollo 11 space mission.  
  On July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 spacecraft lifted off from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Where was it going? To the moon! The crew consisted of Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin. They landed on the moon in the Sea of Tranquility on July 20, 1969. The Sea of Tranquility is a plain on the moon that acts as the remains of an ancient volcano. This made for a good landing spot. The moonwalk took place the following day. On July 21, 1969, at precisely 10:56 EDT, Commander Neil Armstrong emerged from the spacecraft and took his famous first step onto the moon’s surface and declared, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” This moment in human history was not only an enormous success for the scientists and engineers who worked to achieve the feat, but was exciting for Americans who anxiously anticipated finding out more about the mysterious unknown. Space programs around the globe continue to “shoot for the moon” to this day, now exploring Mars and other areas in our solar system.

Informative writing:
-Answers a question
-Includes some new information
-Has a focus  
-Is accurate
-Gives examples  
-Is specific
-Considers target audience


  1. Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit. Bilbo Baggins, or any hobbit, has leathery feat. We know this because in the book, The Hobbit, it says, “Hobbits have natural leathery soles that grow on their feet”. Hobbits are also very fat in the stomach. Our proof for this is that the book says, “They are inclined to be fat in the stomach”. Last, Hobbits have a deep laugh because the book says, “Hobbits have a deep, fruity laugh”. Hobbits are very different from humans because these various reasons.

  2. The Hobbit information

    The Hobbit is a fictional book written by J.R.R Tolkien. It is about a Hobbit named Bilbo who goes on an adventure he was kind of forced into by 13 dwarves and a wizard named Gandalf. Their mission is to go to the Lonely Mountain far away, and plunder the dragon Smaug’s gold, and to kill him. In the book, they have many wild adventures, and in some of them it is so lucky that they manage to survive. They must have luck machines hidden in their pockets because it’s amazing how they survive after their blunders that almost cost them their life. Most of the challenges that they face are impassable, but somehow they find a way through. In one chapter they are hiding up in 5 trees, and a pack of evil Wargs (evil, talking wolves who want to kill them) set fire to the trees, but luckily the Eagle King comes out and sends his minions to save them from dying. The Hobbit is a very famous book which is well known and popular.
    Blunder= A stupid mistake.
    Impassable=Not passable.

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  4. Beowulf

    Meet Beowulf. He was very strong. This is because he was born like a super hero. Then one day he was called to a village. The king called him because there was a monster terrorizing the village. Finally he battled Grendel and killed hime. Then he went to whee Grenel used to live. They explored it and they saw Grendels mom. He also battled Grendels mom. Then he killed her. But this whole battle was under water. There might have been a air bubble they were in. Then he got a call saying do you want to be king but not over the phone ofcourse. Beowulf retorted to it and said yes i will be king for this kingdom. He got this callthrough chainmail.
    retort= to reply to
    chainmail=when a mesage goes from one person too another like chainmail on text

  5. Grendel, a massive beast seeking revenge to kill Beowulf. Beowulf is a strong Nobel who swam for 7 days and 7 nights in the ocean killing sea monsters on the way. Grendel decides to attack but Beowulf kills him. But the adventure is not over Grendel has a mother. Then Beowulf decides to kill his mother because she tried to kill Beowulf and his people. Even though Beowulf has killed many monsters will he survive to fight the big giant beast? Therefore Beowulf is a very brave person.

  6. There are many genres, but The Hobbit is definitely fantasy. There are dwarves and a wizard in The Hobbit. We all know wizards and dwarves don't exist, they are fictional creatures. There is also a hobbit in the book. Nobody knows what a hobbit is, so it is most likely also a fictional character. Lastly there is a gollum. A gollum is completely 100% fake. The book describes it as an unrealistic, horrifyingly ugly character. Since it is a book you need to have some realistic things in the book. Some of those are: trees, caves, wolfs, and many more characteristics.

  7. Spencer Gunning: Hobbit informtive paragraph

    Bilbo is a character in the Hobbit. He is half the size of a grown man and also has hair on his feet that act like shoes. He lives in a Hobbit holewhich is very cozy. Hobbit actually means "comfort" so it is very comfortable. In the Hobit, Bilbo tends to get braver and stronger as the story goes on. In the magical forest is mostly when he brakes through his roots to get bolder. Heonce was aprouched by a herad of goblins and was scared, but got by them with dignity. Bilbo is now braver than he was. Bilbo is a chararcter in the Hobbit that gets stronger.

  8. Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit. Bilbo Baggins is fat in the stomach because he is a hobbit. Because Bilbo is fat in the stomach it shows that he loves to eat. Bilbo is also half the size of a human. He is half the size of a human because he is a hobbit and hobbits are smaller than bierded dwarfs. Hobbits don't need to wear shoes because they have leathery soles on the bottoms of their feet. Also Bilbo has very long and thick hair on his feet to keep him warm. Another trait that hobbits have are being audicious. That means to be willingless to take suprising bold risks. Another trait is that he makes many blunders, which means to make stupid or careless mistakes.

  9. sir gawain is good person to his township he is strong and powerfull it said he won lots of fights sir gawain is good looking because people kiss him he must be important because he does interviews sir gawain is powerfull in his kindom

    Sir Gawain is a good book that is based in medieval times. It’s a very old book. You can see this for several reasons. 1: There is no modern day technology. They don’t have cars and phones. All they have are horses and letters. 2: The language. They use lots of old language like thee, thus, and yee. And 3: There are knights. Knights are not used anymore, they were only around in circa 1300 AD, or medieval times. Those 3 facts I just stated proves that Sir Gawain is an old book that was written a long time ago.

  11. "The Hobbit" is a fantasy book. Not everything in the book is real such as Hobbits, Goblins,dwarves etc. Bilbo's house is in a hole. Nobody can live in a hole underground. Also Bilbo rode an eagle and the eagle talked. An eagle can't be riden or talk. The genre of "Hobbit" is Fantasy

  12. Lucy Fiorito: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

    Sir Gawain is one of the main characters in the book. Some of his traits is that he has is that that he is a honorable knight. I know this because when he went to the Christmas party and the Green Knight came and offered a joust he offered to do it. He did this because even thought he knew he was doing to get get hurt, he said he would rather get hurt that King Authur. He is also brave because he went out to find the green knight even though he knew he might die.

  13. Beowulf
    By: Ava S 12/12/14
    ------Beowulf is a true hero. First Beowulf fought the demon Grendel with no javelin. “He leaped silently to his feet and griped the monsters hand” on page 58. Second he fought Grendel’s mother. “His followers rejoices when they shall the might head.” On page 91. Finally he died fighting the evil dragon and everyone was dejected. Beowulf had spoken his last words” on page 147.

  14. Hobbit By: Sam
    Goblins like to hide in deep caves. dwarves like to go on journeys. when you are on a journey you need a safe place to stsy. Since dwarves are sneaky they can go places others can't. Dwarves like to sleep in safe places like caves or holes. When you sleep in caves you must be aware of different creatures living inside. Different animals can capture and eat you. Always be careful when you are going on a journey!

  15. Once upon a time in a faraway land of the Spear-Danes… There lived a friendly monster named Grendal. He was very lonely and all he wanted was a friend. The sad thing about him was that he was very ugly. His father was a very mean monster and would kill people. The Spear-Danes thought he was bad too. Grendal just wanted a friend so he would always crash their parties to meet people, but all they would do was run. This made him very sad so he decided to leave the land of the Spear-Danes and go to the land of the Franks. Where he makes many new friends.

  16. Hobbits are very different than humans. A hobbit in the book is Bilbo Baggins. He must travel with a cavalcade of Dwarves on their journey to take back their kingdom. They are always careful with their provisions. One reason Hobbits are different than humans is that hobbits have large leathery feet. On page 2 it says " They wear no shoes, because their feet natural leathery soles and thick warm brown hair." This is not how human feet look. Also, usually a human with big feet is tall, however a hobbit is always short. It says on page 2"They are (or were) a little people."This is very different than a human. ON the same page it also says " They are inclined to being fat in the stomach." This is a characteristic that some humans have because of genetics. But not all of them. Hobbits look very different than humans, but at heart, they're basically the same.

  17. Informative Essay
    By: Ava K
    Sir Gawain and The Green Knight

    In this book Sir Gawain is a knight. A knight is sort of like a soldier who served for his ruler. There are many knights in The Book Sir Gawain there are many knights because one of the places it takes place in is King Arthurs Castle. Another Knight in this book is the green knight. He is the one who challenges Sir Gawain to cut of his head but the green knight would have to strike sir Gawain in a year. In my opinion there is very hard dialect in the book.

  18. Popular Wizards
    Informative Paragraph by Josie Mahoney

    Wizards. They have been popular for very long among readers such as Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Dresden Files, and The Hobbit. Why are these magic-creating character so favored among people? Wizards are very popular because they’re apart of fantasy. Fantasy is a genre everyone that is very well-known among kids. Why? It is fascinating and induces their imagination. Gandalf, a wizard in the Hobbit, travels with dwarves and another mythical creature, a hobbit, which is clearly fantasy. Bilbo Baggins even said “‘Gandalf, Gandalf! Good gracious me! Not the wandering wizard that gave Old Took a pair of diamond studs that fastened themselves and never came undone till ordered?’... ‘Not the man who used to make such particularly excellent fireworks!’’ Wizards are very popular because they’re the coolest characters. They create magic, for crying out loud! I mean who doesn’t find that awesome? In the Hobbit, it said “Suddenly a sword flashed in its own light. Bilbo saw it go right through the Great Goblin as he stood dumbfounded in the middle of his rage. He fell dead to the floor…” which we later found out was Gandalf. Wizards are very popular because they create magic. In the Hobbit, a dwarf said “‘All of a sudden you gave one of your blinding flashes, and we saw the goblins running back yelping. You shouted “follow me everybody!” and everybody ought to have followed.” So, in conclusion, Wizards are popular and so is fantasy.

  19. The Hobbit
    By: Grace T.

    Hobbits are interesting and unusual creatures. First off, they live in Hobbit holes, which have “a perfectly round door liker a porthole painted green with a shiny yellow brass knob in the exact middle” (pg. 1). Even when the door is ajar, the Hobbits are small enough to fit through it. Hobbits are also very short and have hairy feet. They “wear no shoes because their feet grow naturally leathery soles and thick brown hair”. Lastly, Hobbits are smart. On page 68, Gollum is asking Bilbo riddles and Bilbo says “Easy!” and gets them all right.
    In conclusion, even though Hobbits can sometimes be hesitant to do things, they always have the audacity to do those things in the end.

  20. Sophia D. The Hobbit
    Mirkwood is a huge wood where many unknown creatures live. It can be dangerous if you are not prepared. In Mirkwood, it is very important to stay on the path. The dwarves and the hobbit didn't though; and they became very flummoxed. On page 139 it says, "By that time they had, of course quite forgotten in which direction the path lay, and they were all hopelessly lost, at least till morning." It is also important to over pack and bring a steady supply of provisions and weapons. The woods are very long and no one wants to starve. On page 134 it says, "Stop! Stop!" Shouted Thorin; but it was too late. The excited dwarves had wasted their last arrows." This means that the dwarves now don't have a way to get food or defend themselves. As you have learned, Mirkwood is a huge wood that can be dangerous if you don't come prepared.

    1. Sophia D.
      Vocab: Flummoxed and Miss Musick said I could use provisions again.

  21. Katie T.
    Hobbit’s World
    A hobbit is an unusual creature that lives in middle earth. One important point about hobbits that make them so unusable is the places they live in. For example, on page 1 it states, “ In a hole in the ground there lived a Hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole…it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.” Although a hole is an unusual place to live in it would be hard to find a blunder inside or outside of them. Another queer thing about hobbits is there obsession for food and eating it. On page 1 when the author is explaining a hobbit hole he takes time to talk about the entire storage place for food, “…cellars, pantries (lots of these)…” Also on page 141 it talks about how hobbits think a lot about food, “He was deep in thoughts of bacon and eggs and toast and butter…” Although hobbits are unusual creatures they are very friendly as it says on page 1 “the hobbit was found off visitors” but every hobbit sometimes gets flummoxed. An unusual creature that you could find in middle earth specifically in The Hill is a hobbit.

  22. In the book “sir Gawain and the green knight”, sir Gawain is a noble man. I know this because he stayed true to being a knight by not accepting any of the lady’s’ gifts. She did this because the green knight was testing him to see if he was noble and brave. She was his wife and used her to see if sir Gawain would budge. He did not budge and he also learned a lesson. Never take without anything in return. He already knew this but he learned it because he took the gritle from the lady and gave nothing in return.


  23. Gollum is a very slimy creature who lives in the swamps. When Bilbo is all alone, he meets Gollum in his cave. Gollum can sense a special ring called the Ring of Invisibility. This is Gollum sensing the ring: "Curse it! Curse the Baggins! What has he got in its poketses? He's found it! Yes, he must have my birthday present!" Gollum will not let Bilbo impass his cage until he guesses riddles. Then, he will allow Bilbo to pass. The cave was left ajar for Bilbo to go out.

  24. Hobbits are different than people. First hobbits are small and we are large. Second hobbits are very quiet while we are considered loud by them. Third hobbits are very sneaky and can sneak up on almost anyone who's not a hobbit. All in all hobbits are very different than People.

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  26. The Lady of The Castle is very energetic and waants to love Sir Gawain. She tells him this by trying to kiss him while he visits the castle. Sir Gawain tries to not accept the gift but he wants the magic belt that she says will make him invisible.

  27. The Hobbit is a book with many different settings. The book develops the journey for the people in the book. The characters don’t stay still in a setting for a long time. For example the whole cavalcade moves from Bilbo’s house to the inn to the mountains and so on. The Dwarfs also go to a setting because of a blunder by one of them. This is how the come upon the goblins cave and how Bilbo comes upon Gollum. Some of the settings are for the group to get help on the journeys. An example of this is when they go to the elves and Beorn for help. These are all examples of the settings of the Hobbit

    1. Blunder: A stupid, gross, careless mistake
      Cavalcade: A procession of persons riding on horses

  28. Claire Beowulf
    - Wiglaf is a king. He did what Beowulf told him to do, build him a barrow in honor. Wiglaf became a king by being the only one to stay and fight a massive dragon with Beowulf while all the others scurried off to save their own lives. Once Beowulf sufferd from his wounds he new he was dying so Beowulf for a king he was he did what was right to give the kingship to Wiglaf. Beowulf new that Wiglaf would be noble,loyal,brave,honest,and courageous. Wiglaf is a king.

    1. VOCAB:
      astonished=surprised, when beowulf fought grendel under water the spear danes were surprised that he was alive.
      heirloom=an object that is passed down from generation to generation, the kingship to the thrown of the land of the spear danes is a very honarable heirloom.

  29. Bilbo Baggins is a very special character in The Hobbit. He was chosen to go on a special journey by a wizard. Not many people are chosen to go on a journey by a wizard, so that signifies that he is the chosen one. Another example of his special character is that he has a precious ring. Only special people can be trusted with that ring. It was given to him for survial, showing that Gandalf wants him to live. Also, he encounters scary creatures and lives. For example, when Bilbo was leaving Gollum's cave, he saw goblins and managed to escape alive. All of this evidence shows that the Hobbit is a special character to the book The Hobbit.

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  31. The book Hobbit is a fantasy book. In the story there are mythical creatures. Examples: Dwarves, hobbit, goblins, talking animals and a wizard. I know that in today’s world animals don’t speak English. I also know that wizards don’t exist, who actually can disappear and such. Next, they go on an adventure. Obviously, if they are trying to find a dragon, it's not true. People have wondered if dragons are real, but due to the fact there is no evidence that they existed, they are not real. As well as dragons, a magic ring to make you invisible is not possible. Only if someone made a chemical composition that could make you invisible. Last, an eagle couldn’t fly a human because we are way to big, but a small mythical creature could. There are no such things as giants skin changing. It’s just not realistic. All the creatures and characters are not real making the Hobbit fiction and fantasy.

  32. Stella- The Hobbit
    There are many reasons why The Hobbit is fantasy. One part in this book that makes it fantasy this book that makes it fantasy is that there are hobbits. Hobbits are make-believe creatures that live in things called hobbit holes on the sides of mountains and hills. Another part in this book that makes it fantasy is Gandalf, the wizard. Wizards make this book fantasy because wizards and magic don't really exist. Finally, this book is fantasy because of its setting, Middle Earth. Middle Earth is a completely new setting that has fantastical features. These include wizards, dwarves, dragons, and new impassable rivers, mountains, and forests. Therefore, The Hobbit is fantasy.

    1. Vocab:
      Impassable- not passable

  33. The Hobbit's Genre
    The Hobbit is a fanstasy book. It has many fake and surreal elements. These include (but aren't limited to) its fake races of chracters. Trolls, hobbits, dwarves, wizards, goblins, dragons, and large arachnid creatures are not real. Another fake element is the unreal setting. The time period isn't indicated whatsoever, which would be necessary for a book of realism or even a book of non-fantastical origin. Also, magic forests and deadly streams don't exist. A final reason to prove the irrelevance and stupidity of the proposition of the realism of this book, there is a special ring that makes its owner invisible. In conclusion, The Hobbit is irrelevant as a realistic book.

  34. Hobbit Informative Paragraph

    Goblins are green, scaly creatures that live in the depths of caverns and mountain passes. Their lust for treasure and violence is endless, and will increase with every coming generation. There is often one supreme tribal leader, or the "Great Goblin", as they may consider it. Most of the goblin population is made up of males, and the females often stay secluded and care for the young and wounded. Thanks to the large population of males, the goblin race has many warriors. Due to this, the goblins have learned to be very barbaric. Most of their weapons include tools that can inflict much damage on an enemy, but sadly, these weapons are very poorly made. They are often crafted from large sticks, branches, moss, and bones to support the blade. The dangerous part itself would be made from copper. Thankfully the goblin's dark ways of the shadows have adapted them to be greatly harmed by bright lights and their sources. This is the reason for their dwelling in the caves and shadows. To conclude this, goblins are very sneaky and thieving creatures. They are capable of almost anything, and can be very, very deceitful.

  35. Bilbo Vivi C
    Bilbo Baggins is the main character in The Hobbit. He is involved in almost every scene and, the story shows his development as a character. For example, in the first chapter it said “The hobbit was a very well-to-do hobbit, and his name was Baggins… they never had any adventures or did anything unexpected…”, but by the 9th chapter, he was being portrayed as an essential leader and was repeatedly saving his friends, the dwarves. Finally, although the story is told in 3rd person, it focuses mainly on Bilbo and what he is thinking.


  36. GB Beowulf puts his life at risk many times. When Brecka and him swim seven days and seven nights. He shows this when they say “And if we meet any sea monsters, we’ll fight them together with a sword.” and it says this on page 21. He also puts his life at risk when Beowulf swims into a deep pond to a cave to kill a monster. It shows this on page 79 when it says “Come, it’s time for me to seek this second monster to destroy it as I destroyed the first one.” Beowulf risks his life when he tries to kill the dragon. He shows this on page 129 when Beowulf says “I’ll bring revenge on the sky serpent who has done this terrible thing to my people.” Beowulf shows that he is daring in all of the book.

  37. The giagantic spiders in the Hobbit terrorize Bilbo and the dwarves. First of all the spiders are really hairy. On page 141 it says, " He could only see the things eyes, but he could feel its hairy legs as it struggled to wind its abomonable threads round and round him." The spiders are also really big. On page 141 itsays, " Somehow thekilling of the giant spiders, all alone by himself in the dark without the help of the wizards of the dwarves of anyone else." Finally the spiders are really scary. On page 144 it says, " The spiders were angry, which made them even more scary." To conclude the spiders in the Hobbit are very abnormal.

  38. Sir Gawain was tricked three times out of the three trials. The first trial was that the lady tried to kiss him. ‘’ I wot I will do even do even as it may please ye and kiss at your commandment. The second trial is the lady tricked him with a ring. ‘’ But the knight refused. The third trial is the lady tricked him with a silk belt. ‘’ Ye refused the silk belt’’ My conclusion he was tricked three times with the three trials. My hypostasis was that Sir Gawain and the Green Knight did not get along at all.

  39. the hobbit is a bad book and does not deserve to be published. it is too long of a book and it just rambles on and on how bilbo is a hero. like bruh. i dont like the genre. the genre is fantasy. fantasy is the most confusing genre. it should have never been invented. the book doesnt flow. all the chapters are its own little story. it goes from on an adventure to stuck in a cave. it is a really bad book.

    rate: no stars :(

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Beowulf is very, very, brave. To prove he wasn’t a spoiled brat, he swam an ocean for 7 days and battled a ferocious sea monster. Beowulf was also confident that he would be able to kill Grendel. He also astonished people by proving that he wasn’t spoiled. Beowulf decided to go to the Spear Danes to kill Grendel. He doesn’t kill him, but hurt him. He also was willing to die to get Grendel, who’s been ravishing the once prosperous Spear Danes. That’s why I think that Beowulf is really brave.

    Astonished- To surprise or shock
    Prosperous- To flourish

  41. infomative

    bilbo baggins is hobbit. a hobbit is a small person; half the size of a human. hobbits are also hairy. bilbo is a hobbit thats very audacious because he went into smaugs cave when smaug was in there. bilbo hardly ever makes blunders because he s almost perfect.

  42. Beowuf
    Pierce 6A
    Grendal is a green monster. He terrorizes the people of the spear danes until Beowulf came and kills Grendel. Grendel is strong, stronger than any man besides Beowulf because he tore Grendels arm off.

  43. Maggie Scherer
    Informative Blog Post

    Meet Beowulf
    He is a brave strong man, with the heart and soul of a warrior.
    Most people believe that Beowulf is a spoiled brat and full of himself.
    To prove he's not a boster, Beowulf swims in the ocean for seven days straight. He also fights Grendal, and his Mother. Beowulf was proved brave and is now known as King.
