Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Choice Blog Post for Vocab

Here is one last chance for those of you who have not yet included the required vocabulary (two noted & used correctly terms from your Book Club novel) in a post. Please complete the following:

A) Compose a new, original paragraph (of choice - narrative, informative, or argumentative). Post it as a comment under this post. (Remember to copy your work before going through the submission process so it does not disappear.)

B) LABEL your paragraph choice (narrative, informative, or argumentative) & include your FIRST NAME.

C) Correctly use and identify (at the bottom of the post) 2 vocab words.

Mrs. Musick and Miss Foyle will be touching base with you about your progress on the blog post assignments and on your vocabulary usage.

*If you are interested in revising one of your previous paragraphs (after getting your rubric back), please see your respective Book Club teacher. Remember, the overarching goal here is to make sure everyone can both distinguish among the three purposes for writing AND compose each one with appropriate structure and support.

MIA Blog Posts - 6B:

Narrative: #7, #8
Informative: #7, #19, #20
Argumentative: #7, #12, #14, #18, #20

MIA Blog Posts - 6A:

Narrative: #11, #13
Informative: #11, #13, #14, #15, #19, #22
Argumentative: #2, #3, #8, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #17, #19, #21, #22